miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

Murió Steve Jobs

Captura de pantalla del website de Apple.
Murió Steve Jobs.- "El fundador de Apple falleció; luchaba contra un cáncer de páncreas; la compañía publicó un comunicado en su sitio web anunciando la muerte de su cofundador". de lanación.com

Realmente una triste noticia, aunque esperada, es una triste noticia que ha conmocionado al mundo tecnológico. Murió Steve Jobs.

4 comentarios:

  1. Realmente, " La tecnología se pone de luto con la muerte de Steve Jobs ".

  2. "Melinda and I extend our sincere condolences to Steve Jobs’ family & friends. The world rarely sees someone who made such a profound impact". @BillGates

  3. "Today the world lost a visionary leader, the technology industry lost an iconic legend and I lost a friend and fellow founder. The legacy of Steve Jobs will be remembered for generations to come. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and to the Apple team". Michael Dell.

  4. "I am very, very sad to hear the news about Steve. He was a great man with incredible achievements and amazing brilliance. He always seemed to be able to say in very few words what you actually should have been thinking before you thought it. His focus on the user experience above all else has always been an inspiration to me. He was very kind to reach out to me as I became CEO of Google and spend time offering his advice and knowledge even though he was not at all well. My thoughts and Google's are with his family and the whole Apple family". Larry Page


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