miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

Operación Shady RAT - una operación de ciberespionaje global

Impresionante! la empresa de seguridad McAfee ha sacado a una luz una operación de ciberespionaje que ha afectado a gobiernos, empresas y organismos de todo el mundo durante cinco años; el objetivo ha sido el de robar secretos gubernamentales, documentos corporativos sensibles y otras propiedades intelectuales, y ha afectado a más de 70 organizaciones públicas y privadas en 14 países diferentes.

Los expertos señalan que en principio se apunto a obtener información confidencial y propiedad intelectual mas que unos beneficios económicos inmediatos.

El tema es de tratamiento en muchos ámbitos, los principales medios han puesto su atención en la noticia. Por citar algunos:
State actor seen behind "enormous" wave of cyber attacks.- "Security company McAfee, which uncovered the intrusions, said it believed there was one "state actor" behind the attacks but declined to name it, though one security expert who has been briefed on the hacking said the evidence points to China". de Reuters. - Q+A: Massive cyber attack dubbed "Operation Shady RAT"
Biggest series of cyber-attacks in history uncovered.- "Security experts have discovered the biggest series of cyber attacks to date, involving the infiltration of the networks of 72 organisations including the United Nations, governments and companies around the world". de guardian.co.uk / Reuters.
Security Firm Identifies Global Cyber Spying.- "SHANGHAI — A massive cyberattack that lasted up to five years infiltrated computers and stole data from the United Nations and a wide range of governments and American corporations, according to a report released Wednesday by security experts in the United States". The New York Times.
Un ataque informático global puso en vilo a la ONU.- "Las redes de Naciones Unidas, gobiernos y compañías estuvieron involucradas en un sofisticado incidente informático, según la firma de seguridad McAfee; sospechan de un posible apoyo del gobierno chino". de La Nación - Tecnología.
No hay dudas que estamos, desde hace un buen tiempo, viviendo tiempos peligrosos, como lo hemos señalado en éste espacio.

Para tener en cuenta, McAfee indicó que "los intrusos estaban buscando información delicada en sistemas militares y comunicaciones satelitales", es de sospechar una importante confrontación.

Cyber-hacking: prolonged series of attacks by one country uncovered.- "Dozens of countries, companies and organisations, ranging from the US government to the UN and the Olympic movement, have had their computers systematically hacked over the past five years by one country, according to a report by a leading US internet security company". de guardian.co.uk.
Hackers Are Climbing In Your Windows, So Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Files.- "Remember when Google was hacked by Chinese spies about 18 months ago? Well, that just scratched the surface of some of the more serious and persistent hacking operations over the past few years. In a detailed blog post that is both eye-opening and a brilliant piece of marketing, McAfee’s VP of Threat Research Dmitri Alperovitch lays out the details of Operation Shady RAT (Remote Access Tool), an ongoing series of computer system intrusions that began as far back as 2006 and compromised 72 organizations, including the United Nations, the International Olympic Committee, the World Anti-Doping Agency, U.S. defense contractors, U.S. federal and state government agencies, a national security think tank, tech companies, and “even an unfortunate computer security firm” (presumably a McAfee competitor)". de TechCrunch.
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