Como se ha conocido, Twitter fue nuevamente atacado, inmediatamente todos nos pusimos a escribir algo sobre el asunto, a decir todos, me refiero a buena parte de la blogosfera que de alguna manera estamos atentos, en especial, a estos "casos".
Hace un rato, he leído un post bastante interesante en TechCrunch, que en realidad es la segunda parte del tratamiento que allí hacen del suceso, este nuevo ataque a Twitter:
The Anatomy of The Twitter Attack: Part II.- "During and after Twittergate, when a hacker broke into a few hosted email accounts and obtained a number of internal documents, I had an opportunity to spend hours speaking to the actual attacker and document how he carried out the attack. The article was called The Anatomy of The Twitter Attack, and today we unfortunately find ourselves with a sequel to that post as the Twitter DNS servers were compromised last night and the site was redirected to a defacement page". TechCrunch.
Hace un rato, he leído un post bastante interesante en TechCrunch, que en realidad es la segunda parte del tratamiento que allí hacen del suceso, este nuevo ataque a Twitter:
The Anatomy of The Twitter Attack: Part II.- "During and after Twittergate, when a hacker broke into a few hosted email accounts and obtained a number of internal documents, I had an opportunity to spend hours speaking to the actual attacker and document how he carried out the attack. The article was called The Anatomy of The Twitter Attack, and today we unfortunately find ourselves with a sequel to that post as the Twitter DNS servers were compromised last night and the site was redirected to a defacement page". TechCrunch.
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