lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

Cuestionan la versión de Irán sobre el derribo del RQ-170 Sentinel

Iran Is Probably Lying About Bringing Down An Advanced US Drone.- "In case you missed it, the Iranian government claims it brought down a state of the art, US RQ-170 Sentinel drone over the eastern part of the country.
This is the second time Iran has said it shot down an American UAV, and like the first time, Tehran has so far failed to come up with any proof". por Robert Johnson para BusinessInsider.

Did Iran Capture a U.S. Stealth Drone Intact?.- "For the second time this year, the Iranian government is claiming it forced down a stealthy U.S. Air Force spy drone. Only this time, Iran says it bagged the RQ-170 “with little damage” by jamming its control signal — a potentially worrying development for American forces heavily reliant on remote-controlled aircraft.
There are good reasons to question Iran’s story — or at least parts of it. For starters, the earlier claim of a drone shoot-down proved false. Why would this announcement be any more credible? Also, for most U.S. unmanned aircraft, merely jamming the control signal won’t bring them down. Some don’t have control signals at all". por David Axe para Wired DANGER ROOM.

Post relacionado
Informan que derriban un RQ-170 Sentinel (UAV) en Irán. 04/12/2011.

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